French Foreign Legion Mod
For the FFLM, I was given the task of implementing the audio for the TRM2000 which is a small French truck used to help players traverse towards the capture points on the map. I was unable to record this vehicle myself due to its rarity therefore I decided to purchase a pack to a similar sounding vehicle: The VirtualTruck: ERF E14 Soundpack from A Sound Effect. Using this pack I was able to implement internal and external perspective audio as well as door sounds, cab lights and head and tail lights which are all features that has not been done in the current build of the game! The video above is a showcase of the audio implemented on the TRM2000.
French Foreign Legion Mod
The FFLM is implementing many different weapons including the Famas F2 and G2, the HK417 and FN Minimi. I have recently been inspired by the sound design in Escape From Tarkov and wanted to add bullet casings hitting the ground which was another feature not currently available in Squad. I made the bullet casing particle effect into a blueprint and had an audio cue play when the casing hit an object whether it be the ground, a wall or any other object. Depending on the object that the casing hits, the corresponding bullet casing sound would play.

French Foreign Legion Mod
I am currently the lead sound designer on the FFLM project which is a French faction mod for a game called Squad. The game uses a modified version of Unreal Engine 4 and allows modders to create and upload content for the game via the steam workshop. I am one of approximately 20 people working on the project which includes 2 developers from Offworld Industries (The Squad Developers). Throughout this project I have implemented audio for vehicles, weapons, animations and the environment.
You are able to follow our progress via the monthly status reports available at: https://mod.squadfrance.fr